IT Outage ROI Calculator

This calculator simulates the potential return on investment your business could realize by implementing SnapComms to help reduce the financial impact of an IT outage.


All prices are in USD

What SnapComms could save for your department

This is how much it costs you each month in IT staff wages to answer tickets related to outages
This is how much it costs your department per year
This is how many hours your IT team is spending in answering tickets a year

This is the ROI for your IT department


All prices are in USD

What SnapComms could save for your organization

This is how many hours are spent by IT staff and employees during IT Outages
This is how much it costs your employees each year during downtime
This is the total cost per year for IT staff and employees during IT Outages
Cost of SnapComms

Sample pricing based on our Inform package. Learn more about our pricing.


This is the total ROI for your organization108%

Projected loss over five years

The chart below shows the potential cost incurred by your business over five years, given the same volume of IT outages every year and no additional preventative measures in place.

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Cut through the noise of overloaded inboxes and collaboration tools. Get immediate attention for urgent notifications and lift employee engagement, all through one multi-channel platform.

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