Improving HCAHPS Scores
Better Hospital Communication Benefits Everyone

Satisfied patients make successful hospitals. Patient satisfaction and perception of care is increasingly driving consumer healthcare choices.
The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) scoring puts the power with patients. A high score is one of the greatest measures of success.
Hospitals with poor HCAHPS scores can find themselves penalized financially. (Source: Readiness Rounds)
Internal communication is key to strong HCAHPS scores – building the right culture, fostering correct behavior and aligning the efforts of all staff.
A digital newsletter fosters strong organizational culture by encouraging healthcare workers to share success stories and positive tips quickly and easily. Engagement is higher through the rich media formats included, including videos, tickers and interactive tools – so much more than a traditional boring email!
Build knowledge
Staff need to know what is measured in the HCAHPS surveys. Communicate these through high-visibility, high-repetition screensavers or wallpapers.
Improve behavior
Communicate the positive behaviors needed to achieve greater patient satisfaction through a series of promotional billboard-style screensaver messages on computers and digital signage.
Embed culture change
Promote HCAHPS as a core part of all employees’ jobs and your culture. Use digital newsletters to share positive healthcare stories that inspire staff and help improve HCAHPS scores.
Increase collaboration
Providing staff a way to feed back anonymously is important. A staff survey offers a valuable outlet for suggestions and frustrations, as well as helps management gain an understanding of system or process failures for improvement.
Your internal communications work even harder to achieve better HCAHPS scores with these special features built-in to the SnapComms platform.