We’re exposed to messages everywhere we go. Whether at home, at work or anywhere in between, a constant stream of information is fed to us. In fact, each person receives about 105,000 words every day. Or put another way, 23 words per second – that’s a lot of information overload.
7 Strategies To Overcome Employee Change Fatigue
Updated August 10, 2022
Mergers and acquisitions, integrations, restructures and digital transformations are shaping workplaces across the globe. Change is essential for businesses to thrive and grow. And yet, 70% of change initiatives fail. Of these, nearly 40% are due to employee resistance.
The Truth Behind Collaboration Tools – It’s Time To Get Real
There’s been a lot of hype around collaboration tools. And like every tool in the internal communicator’s toolkit, they have their place. But something I see too often is an obsession with collaboration tools.
Neglecting Top-Down Communication Is The Biggest Mistake You’ll Make
We’re working in an age of constant change. Digital transformation, dispersed workforces and declining engagement are defining our business environment. If your leadership comms don’t step up, you’re not going to keep up.
5 Ways Data Will Improve Internal Communications
Data analytics and internal communications might seem like strange bedfellows. After all, data scientists are serious and nerdy, while internal communicators are fun-loving and frivolous, right?
10 Ways To Engage Employees With Year-End Financial Results
The end of the business fiscal year is fast approaching for many organizations. The results of 12 months of effort are revealed. A yardstick is planted for how successful the business has been – and what the future may hold.
5 Key Customer Success Insights From The Pulse Conference
Customer Success is essential in business today. It’s a powerful tool for organizations to proactively get ahead of risks and capitalize on opportunities. The proof is there for all to see.
How Better Executive Communication Improves Staff Buy-in
There’s a lot riding on C-suite executives. As well as guiding the organization’s strategic direction, they fulfill a critical role in executive communication. Theirs is the voice employees look to for wisdom, certainty, and assurance.
Top 5 Reasons You Don’t Need Internal Communications
Ask any IC professional and they’ll tell you.
Selling the value of internal communications to senior management is difficult.
Communication Breakdown – Why Slack Is Selling You Short
Team collaboration tools have been a shiny new tool for businesses, but their allure may already be fading.